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Select Board Meeting Minutes 5/23/11
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 5/23/11

Meeting Opened at: 7:00pm
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson, Scott Jenssen (arrived at 7:10pm) and Jonathan Sylbert
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Jonathan Levin, ZBA member, Stanley Ross, ZBA member, Robert Lazzarini, ZBA member and Jeremia Pollard, Town Counsel

At 7:05pm the Board discussed the need to go into Executive Session to discuss a potential litigation with Town Counsel.  Roll call was taken by the Chair. All Select Board members were present. A motion was made by to go into executive session, seconded, and approved unanimously.  The Board agreed that they would return to an open session.  Open session resumed at 8:50pm

The board reviewed Director of Operations, Maynard Forbes’ weekly report for the week ending 5/21/11 which included:
1.  FEMA snowstorm reimbursement papers were signed by Wayne.
2.  Cleaning culverts on Fairview due to beaver problems.
3.  Checking roads, picking up debris and cleaning out ditches (Brett Rd and Fairview).
4.  Repair loader (bucket pin attachment), leak on grader and service the Kenworth.
5.  OshKosh taken for repairs.
6.  Chevy 4500 changed over to summer mode and taken to Cheshire, CT for repairs.
7.  Sweep and pick up debris on basketball court.
8.  Materials ordered for Main Rd strap grant project.
9.  Bid notices sent to the paper, MASSDOT prequel office and placed on the website for gravel, stone and the transfer station.
10.  Crack sealing on Sandisfield and Tyringham.
11.  Met with W. Burkhart and Eric Montgomery regarding Mr. Montgomery’s concerns about Fairview Rd.
12.  TIP list reviewed.

The board reviewed Police Chief, Gareth Backhaus’ weekly report for 5/16-5/22/11 which included:
1.  Building check on Beartown Mtn Rd.
2.  Building Check on Mt Hunger Rd
3.  Building Check on Tyringham Rd.
4.  Investigated a complaint of a piece of furniture in the road near Preyer Fiske; nothing found.
5.  Removed a bat from a home on Pixley Rd.
6.  Assisted a citizen with loose horses near Sandisfield Rd.
7.  Domestic disturbance on Main Rd.

Abandoned 911 calls:
1.  Main Rd.

Traffic stops: 9

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Warrants were signed.
2.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.  Amended time off request was approved.
a.  The Board reviewed M. Noe’s research on the FEMA grant materials that Larry Klein brought in last week regarding the purchase of new radios for the highway and fire departments and found that the grant application deadline was February 12, 2010 (over one year ago).  Larry Klein also sent an email regarding the 2011 grant for communications and stated that it was pulled from the President’s budget and therefore not available.  The Board asked M. Noe to contact FEMA to find out if there is a 2nd go around of the money.
3.  Robert Lazzarini stayed to clarify the upcoming 5 meetings with Mark Bobrowski, the Planning Board and the Select Board to discuss the proposed bylaw revisions.  The first three meetings will be set up for 90 minute time frames.  The fourth meeting will be a public hearing and the fifth meeting will be at the annual town meeting.  The Select Board felt the Planning Board should be the Board that runs with the meeting and they would host them but there was concern if taking up 90 minutes of a Select Board meeting would be wise.  The other alternative is to have the meeting with Mr. Bobrowski at the Planning Board meetings and have the Select Board attend them if they so desire.  Wayne stated he wants to be sure that the BRPC is included in this process as well.  Bob will let Maggie know the above and Bob was nominated as the liaison between the Planning Board, ZBA, Select Board and Mark Bobrowski.
4.  A motion was made to approve a one day special permit application for beer and wine only for Soma Catering that is hosting an event at Kutsher’s Sports Academy.  The motion was seconded and the permit approved unanimously.
5.  The Memorial Day Program provided by Dean Amidon was reviewed and briefly discussed.  M. Noe will confirm that someone will be here on Monday morning to unlock the closet that holds the PA system.  Scott inquired as to what happens if it rains, who decides to cancel and what time does he need to do all this by?  M. Noe will get contact numbers for everyone to Scott.  Scott also asked M. Noe to get the flags from the basement that are handed out to the kids.
6.  W. Burkhart gave a summary of the meeting with E. Montgomery and M. Forbes.
7.  It was requested that when the Board goes to 5pm for June 13 – August 29th that Maynard, Melissa and Gareth come in to meet with the Board at least twice each month.
8.  The Board will need to sign warrants next Tuesday as Monday is a holiday and the town hall is closed and there are no meetings.
9.  The Board discussed an email it received from Steve Pullen, Town Accountant on the need to transfer funds from the Reserve Account to cover an overage in the Police Expenses.  It was questioned why this wasn’t caught sooner and brought to the special town meeting as the fire department overage was.  The Finance Committee apparently knew about this in January.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 9:25pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary via audio recording
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book